Occupational Thearpy Services

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by Nandgaonkar's Therapy Services


Occupational therapy is a health and rehabilitation profession that helps people regain, develop, and build skills that are important for independent functioning, health, well-being, security, and happiness. Occupational therapy practitioners work with people of all ages who, because of illness, injury, or developmental or psychological impairment, need specialized assistance in learning skills to enable them to lead independent, productive, and satisfying lives.

Occupational therapy can prevent injury or the worsening of existing conditions or disabilities and it promotes independent functioning in individuals who may otherwise require institutionalization or other long-term care. Because of this, occupational therapy keeps health care costs down and maximizes the quality of life for the individual, their family, and other caregivers.

What Makes OT Different
In addition to dealing with an individual's physical well-being, occupational therapy practitioners address psychological, social, and environmental factors that may impede independent functioning in all aspects of life. This unique perspective makes occupational therapy a critically important part of a health care program.

Occupational Thearpy Services

industrial rehabilitation

Cardiac Rehabilitation



1.Responsibility to the Patient
(a) In accepting his share of responsibility for the physical and mental well-being of the patient, the occupational therapist should at all times strive to give treatment of the highest level of professional skill.
(b) The occupational therapist must respect information of a confidential nature regarding the patient and should discuss only pertinent fact with other professional persons involved in the treatment programme.
II Responsibility to professional colleagues
The occupational therapist must show concern for and loyalty to those practicing the same or other professional skills, recognizing that only by achieving and fostering mutual respect and understanding can the greatest service be rendered to the patient.

III. The responsibility to the employer
The occupational therapist should be responsible to his /her employing institution
and should assist in interpretation of its function within the commumity.He /she must accept his/her proper share of responsibility for the organization and administration of the department to which he /she is appointed.

IV. Responsibility to the profession of occupational therapy
The Occupational therapist must recognize his responsibilities in contributing to the growth and development of his profession through the exchange of information, raising of treatment and educational standards, and improving conditions of employment by supporting his professional Organizations at the local,. National and international levels.


The occupational therapist should promote information and understanding related to the functions and procedures of Occupational Therapy. He should at all time recognize the fact that in the eyes of the public, the attitude and philosophy he presents portrays the profession.

Occupational therapy-Occupational therapists play a major role in the assessment and treatment and rehabilitation of the physically and mentally handicapped individuals. The department should have a biomedical workshop for construction of splints, braces and adaptive devices.
Along with acute care services and treatment, rehabilitation services are provided in the form of prevocational testing, training and sheltered workshop for the patients as well as promotion of activities of daily living skills (ADL) to gain maximum independence in life


tools and equipments


Doctor's offices
Day programs
School systems
Assitive living facilities
Home health agencies
Long-term care facilities
Sheltered workshops
Hand therapy clinics
Universities and colleges

Community programs
Early intervention programs
Residential facilities
Independent living facilities
Hospice programs
Skilled nursing and rehab centers
Volunteer agencies (i.e, Alzheimer's Association, Easter Seals)
Private practices
Work hardening programs

Practice areas include: - Pediatrics - Juvenile - Physical rehab - Mental health - Geriatrics -
Ergonomics - Hand therapy - Work hardening - Administration - Education and
Research -
Assistive technology - Environmental design -

This is a list of diagnoses that may be seen by occupational therapists.This list is NOT all inclusive. It is meant to show that OT services are available and beneficial to many individuals.
- Developmental Disorders (ADHD, cerebral palsy, mental retardation)
- Sensory Disorders (blindness, chronic pain, sensory loss)
- Injuries (of the head, back, arms, and spinal cord, carpal tunnel syndrome)
- Musculoskeletal Disorders (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
- Systemic Disorders (diabetes, kidney disease with dialysis)
- Immunological Disorders (AIDS, cancer)
- Skin Disorders (burns)
- Cognition Disorders (Alzheimer's Disease, dementia)
- Mental Health Disorders (autism, depression, substance abuse/dependence)