Occupational Thearpy Services |
Home | Awards | GSMC-FAIMER 2005-2006 | Publications | Products | Presentations | Pediatric Rehabilitation Services | Hand Therapy Services | Occupational Thearpy Services | services offered | Kala academy | pHoTo sTuDiO |
by Nandgaonkar's Therapy Services
Occupational therapy is a health
and rehabilitation profession that helps people regain, develop, and build skills that are important for independent functioning,
health, well-being, security, and happiness. Occupational therapy practitioners work with people of all ages who, because
of illness, injury, or developmental or psychological impairment, need specialized assistance in learning skills to enable
them to lead independent, productive, and satisfying lives.
Occupational therapy can prevent injury or the worsening of existing conditions or disabilities and it promotes independent functioning in individuals who may otherwise require institutionalization or other long-term care. Because of this, occupational therapy keeps health care costs down and maximizes the quality of life for the individual, their family, and other caregivers. What Makes OT Different In addition to dealing with an individual's physical well-being, occupational therapy practitioners address psychological, social, and environmental factors that may impede independent functioning in all aspects of life. This unique perspective makes occupational therapy a critically important part of a health care program. |
Doctor's offices Day programs School systems Assitive living facilities Home health agencies Long-term care facilities Sheltered workshops Hand therapy clinics Universities and colleges Hospitals Community programs Early intervention programs Residential facilities Independent living facilities Hospice programs Skilled nursing and rehab centers Volunteer agencies (i.e, Alzheimer's Association, Easter Seals) Private practices Work hardening programs Practice areas include: - Pediatrics - Juvenile - Physical rehab - Mental health - Geriatrics - Ergonomics - Hand therapy - Work hardening - Administration - Education and Research - Assistive technology - Environmental design - WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM OT? This is a list of diagnoses that may be seen by occupational therapists.This list is NOT all inclusive. It is meant to show that OT services are available and beneficial to many individuals. - Developmental Disorders (ADHD, cerebral palsy, mental retardation) - Sensory Disorders (blindness, chronic pain, sensory loss) - Injuries (of the head, back, arms, and spinal cord, carpal tunnel syndrome) - Musculoskeletal Disorders (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis) - Systemic Disorders (diabetes, kidney disease with dialysis) - Immunological Disorders (AIDS, cancer) - Skin Disorders (burns) - Cognition Disorders (Alzheimer's Disease, dementia) - Mental Health Disorders (autism, depression, substance abuse/dependence) |