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Until now little is known about disability in leprosy
as opposed to impairment. This may partly be due to a lack of awareness that disability is actually something separate from
impairment. Another reason may be the absence of a suitable tool to measure disability. We are not aware of the existence
of many standardised assessment instruments for disability, used with persons affected by leprosy. Many disability scales
are available in Western countries, but none appeared suitable for use with people living in a developing country like India;
Where females wear Sari and males use Dhoti, where eating rice with fingers is one at the hallmark of becoming independent.
Also females are not aware of washing machine or dish washer. Also male and female labour workers at construction sites are still working barefooted and barehanded without any protective device when normal and even after affected by Leprosy. Taking into consideration above mentioned factors factors ADL-evaluation scale was designed, which was an interview based assessment of ADL, appropriate for persons living in our country. The structure of ADL-assessment scale was based on the Activity (Disability) classification of the draft of the ICIDH-2 . ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING FORM CODE ACTIVITIES 1 SELF-CARE A FEEDING 1A - 1 Eating with finger 1A - 2 Cutting chapati with fingers 1A - 3 Eating rice with fingers 1A - 4 Eating western style (using fork, knife + spoon ) 1A - 5 Eating rice with spoon 1A - 6 Drinking fluid from glass/cup 1A - 7 Eating on floor ( ) 1A - 8 Eating on table 1A - 9 Can serve self solids 1A - 10 Can serve self liquids B PERSONAL HYGIENE AND GROOMING 1B - 1 Hair-combing with 2 hands ( plating/bun ) 1B - 2 Teeth-brushing teeth/dentures gargling (Applying Masheri ) 1B - 3 Nail care - clean fingernails, toenails trimming 1B - 4 Shaving 1B - 5 Blowing nose 1B - 6 Applying make up 1B - 7 Toilet - Indian style squatting, getting up from squatting 1B - 8 Washing - pouring water 1B - 9 Bathing applying soap washing UE washing LE washing face 1B - 10 Care for menstrual periods C DRESSING 1C - 1 Put on blouse/shirt 1C - 2 Remove blouse/shirt 1C - 3 Put on pyjama/trousers/dhoti 1C - 4 Remove pyjama/trousers/dhoti 1C - 5 Put on sari 1C - 6 Remove sari 1C - 7 Making sari pleats 1C - 8 Put on bra/baniyan 1C - 9 Remove bra/baniyan 1C - 10 Put on underwear/panty 1C - 11 Remove underwear/panty 1C - 12 Tie waist string/waist belt 1C - 13 Remove tie waist string/waist belt 1C - 14 Buttoning front/unbuttoning 1C - 15 Buttoning back/unbuttoning 1C - 16 Tie shoe laces/Velcro 1C - 17 Put on footwear 1C - 18 Remove footwear 1C - 19 Put on zippers/take off 1C - 20 Put on orthosis/remove (splints) D OBJECT MANIPULATION (HAND ACTIVITIES) 1D - 1 Operate switches/doorbells 1D - 2 Remove, replace light buld/regulator 1D - 3 Plug in cord (3 pin, holder) 1D - 4 Operate locks + handles 1D - 5 Operate scissors 1D - 6 Handle money 1D - 7 Open + close doors/windows/drawer/refrigerator 1D - 8 Open cans/bottles/jars 1D - 9 Tie package 1D - 10 Sew (button, border) 1D - 11 Polish shoes 1D - 12 Sharpen pencil 1D - 13 Seal + open letter 1D - 14 Open box/dabba 1D - 15 Thread needle + make a knot 1D - 16 Cut with shears E COMMUNICATION 1E - 1 Writing with pen/pencil 1E - 2 Use telephone 1E - 3 Handle own mail 1E - 4 Verbal 1E - 5 Read 1E - 6 Hold book/turn pages 1E - 7 Type 1E - 8 Any other ( sign language ) 1F FUNCTIONAL MOBILITY 1F - 1 Carry objects during locomotion 1F - 2 Use public transport - Bus/Train 1F - 3 Drive automobile 1F - 4 Use mobility aids ( crutch, cane etc. ) 2 WORK A HOME MAKING TASKS 2A - 1 Sweeping with broom + use dust pan 2A - 2 Cleaning floor/mopping kitchen 2A - 3 Cleaning utensils 2A - 4 Carrying pail of water (bucket) 2A - 5 Handling light cleaning tools (brush) 2A - 6 Washing clothes 2A - 7 Wring out 2A - 8 Squeez dry 2A - 9 Ironing clothes 2A - 10 Clean bathroom/ 2A - 11 Hanging up garments 2A - 12 Child care ( under 4 yrs.) 2A - 13 Bed making 2A - 14 Shopping + marketing 2B MEAL PREPARATION + SERVICE 2B - 1 Turn off gas/electric range (Mixer, oven, grinder, stove ) 2B - 2 Light gas with match/lighter 2B - 3 Pour hot water from pan to cup 2B - 4 Peel vegetables, fruits 2B - 5 Cut up vegetables, fruits 2B - 6 Handle sharp tools safely 2B - 7 Break eggs 2B - 8 stir against resistance 2B - 9 Measure flour 2B - 10 Rolling chapatis 2B - 11 Open oven door/handle hot plate 2B - 12 Carry pan to oven + put in (turn chapati on hot plate etc. ) 2B - 13 Remove hot pan from oven to table 2B - 14 Carry hot accessorise (casserole) to table (to serve) 2B - 15 Clear up table (floor) 2B - 16 Wipe up range + work areas 2B - 17 Handle pressure cooker 2B - 18 Grind on grinding stone 2C OCCUPATION (WORK HABITS AND ATTITUDES) 2C - 1 Standing for long time 2C - 2 Repetition 2C - 3 Heavy lifting 2C - 4 Working Barefooted 2C - 5 Working Bare Handed 2C - 6 Walking long distances 2C - 7 Precision work 2C - 8 Hot object handling 2C - 9 Prolonged holding (lifting) 2C - 10 Working long time in water 2C - 11 Strenous eye activities ( welding ) 3 LEISURE SKILLS 3A - 1 Games 3A Hobbies/Habits 3B - 1 Crafts 3B - 2 TV/Radio use 3B - 3 Phonograph/tape recorder use 3B - 4 Smoking (Hand burns) 3A - 2 Play (children) 3C SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES 3C - 1 Doing pooja 3C - 2 Attending temple/church/mosque 1 Dependent V/s Independent 2 Inappropriate ways of handling V/s Appropriate ways of handling combination of 1 and 2 D Dependent - 0 IIA Independent Inappropriate - 1 IA Independent Appropriate - 2 DEFINITIONS Dependent - Patient is unable to do any part of the activity. Independent Inappropriate - Patient is able to complete the activity with / without difficulty which may or will lead to reinforcement of abnormal porters or deformity predispose the body parts to ulcers etc. with such kind of performance of the activity. ( With or without adaptive equipment please mention splint, orthosis, or any other adaptive equipment used ). Independent Appropriate - Patient is able to complete the activity with or without adaptive equipment. Two way of handling or performing the activity may or will not lead to deforming porters, ulcer or any other complications etc. * If patient is not able to do the activity, who else can do it for the patient. * NA - Not applicable. |
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