pylon for one year old baby
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by Nandgaonkar's Therapy Services
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CUSTOM BUILT PYLON FOR 1 YR. OLD BABY Indications Planned B.K Amputation.with very short stump. Designing & Fabrication Socket made up of remouldable light weight Orfit material. Adjustable metal shin piece. Small rocker bottom made up of wood. Features Cost effective. Light weight. Remouldable and adjustable length. Encourages early bilateral weight bearing & mobility. Facilitation of normal postural alignment. Early acceptance of prosthesis for independent walking. Facilitates stability. Facilitates the experience of normal movement & postural patterns. Sensory motor experience, provides normal sensory feedback to the immature brain & encourages normal development. I am very greatful to the author Dr.Jyothika Bijlani,Associate Proffessor,Occupational Therapy,Seth G.S.Medical College,Parel,
Mumbai & Mr.Pramod Joshi,Prosthetic & Orthotic Engineer,Deepak Surgicals,Mulund,Mumbai for the fabrication and presentation
of this device.Also patient's & his mother's cooperation was very important without which nothing would have been
possible.Thank u!!!!!!!!!!!evrybody